NH농협 벌초대행




- Provides a non-face-to-face oxygen removal service that directly connects users and workers- NH Nonghyup manages from application for beolchoing to follow-up management① What is 「NH Nonghyup Beolcho Agency」?Non-face-to-face deforestation service that connects users and workers directly at NH Nonghyup and manages from application to follow-up management so that more people (scalability) and more easily (accessibility) can perform deforestation of precious ancestors’ oxygen② User GuideIntroduction of 「NH Nonghyup Beolcho Agency」, work scope, application method, application procedure, work cost and payment, etc.③ Application for weeding- Enter basic information to apply for Beolcho- Provides oxygen location designation function on internet map- Provide a list of local Agricultural Cooperatives where beolcho service is available when the oxygen location is specified④ Beeolcho Application Details- Check the application history, progress, etc.- Beolcho location, payment amount, agency office and before/after photos provided⑤ Customer Center - Notices, 1:1 inquiries, frequently asked questions and consultation inquiries